🔜KORG KSMF-J29 安室奈美恵 Namie Amuro & trf




 Volume in drive A is KSMF-J29   
 Volume Serial Number is 160C-15E6
 Directory of A:\

KJ29-010 MID       103,785  06-14-96   0:00 太陽のSEASON - 安室奈美恵
KJ29-020 MID        82,494  06-14-96   0:00 Stop the music - 安室奈美恵
KJ29-030 MID       113,567  06-14-96   0:00 TRYME〜わたしを信じて〜 - 安室奈美恵
KJ29-040 MID        97,965  06-14-96   0:00 Chase the Chance - 安室奈美恵
KJ29-050 MID       110,007  06-14-96   0:00 BRAND NEW TOMORROW - trf
KJ29-060 MID        52,321  06-14-96   0:00 Happening Here - trf
KJ29-070 MID        89,592  06-14-96   0:00 Love & Peace Forever - trf
         7 file(s)        649,731 bytes
         0 dir(s)          76,800 bytes free


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:D  :)  :(  :|  (H)  :P  :$    *-)  ;)  :-.-:  :!:  :S  :!!:  [B01]  [B02]  [B03]  [B04]  [B05]  [B06]  [B07]  [B08]  [B09]  [B10]  [B11]  [B12]  [B13]  [B14]  [XP]  :XD  (Y)  (N)  :-O  :@  8o|  :-#  (L)  (U)  ^o)  |-)