🔜YAMAHA YSE-130 American Rock Essentials Vol.4




 Volume in drive A is YSE-130    
 Directory of A:\

01VOGUE  MID        84,404  07-25-95   0:00 Vogue - Madonna
02EROTIC MID        86,422  07-25-95   0:00 Erotic Nightmares - Steve Vai
03TIMELV MID        85,566  07-25-95   0:00 Time, Love and Tenderness - Michael Bolton
04WONDER MID       106,621  07-25-95   0:00 Boogie Wonderland - Earth, Wind & Fire (with The Emotions)
05FEAGLE MID        48,139  07-25-95   0:00 Fly Like an Eagle - The Steve Miller Band
06SWHEEL MID        52,335  07-25-95   0:00 Spinning Wheel - Blood, Sweat & Tears
         6 file(s)        463,487 bytes
         0 dir(s)         262,144 bytes free


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