Roland RJS-1008J Christmas Songs 聖誕歌曲集

 Volume in drive A is RJS-1008J  
 Directory of A:\

S1008_01 MID        40,697  10-25-93   0:00 Santa Claus Is Coming to town
S1008_02 MID        39,641  10-25-93   0:00 We Wish You A Merry Christmas
S1008_03 MID        29,747  10-25-93   0:00 White Christmas
S1008_04 MID        54,919  10-25-93   0:00 Jingle Bells
S1008_05 MID        53,680  10-25-93   0:00 Winter Wonderland
S1008_06 MID        44,194  10-25-93   0:00 Joy to The World
S1008_07 MID        21,668  10-25-93   0:00 The First Noel
S1008_08 MID        28,871  10-25-93   0:00 Oh Holy Night
S1008_09 MID        34,771  10-25-93   0:00 O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)
S1008_10 MID        17,388  10-25-93   0:00 Silent Night
        10 file(s)        365,576 bytes
         0 dir(s)         357,376 bytes free


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