🔜Roland RJL-3006J How About House From Jazz to Techno




 Volume in drive A is RJL-3006J  
 Directory of A:\

L3006_01 MID        82,137  07-07-93   0:00 Night in Motion (Cubic 22)
L3006_02 MID        47,774  07-07-93   0:00 The Whistle Song (Frankie Knuckles)
L3006_03 MID        70,946  07-07-93   0:00 Never Stop (The Brand New Heavies)
L3006_04 MID        69,996  07-07-93   0:00 What about this Love? (Mr. Fingers)
L3006_05 MID       100,910  07-07-93   0:00 Crazy for You (Incognito)
L3006_06 MID        64,228  07-07-93   0:00 Little Fluffy Clouds (The ORB)
L3006_07 MID        65,295  07-07-93   0:00 Anasthasia (T 99)
L3006_08 MID        99,830  07-07-93   0:00 James Brown is Dead (L. A. Style)
         8 file(s)        601,116 bytes
         0 dir(s)         122,880 bytes free


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