可惜這張專輯只有取得原廠磁片,缺少外面的 CD 盒與封面封底。


 Volume in drive A has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 2015-15E8
 Directory of A:\

KS06-010 MID       106,132  08-21-95   0:00 Fantasy (字宙のファンタジー)
KS06-020 MID       102,554  08-21-95   0:00 Boogie Wonderland
KS06-030 MID       129,559  08-21-95   0:00 September
KS06-040 MID        99,050  08-21-95   0:00 In the Stone
KS06-050 MID        88,935  08-21-95   0:00 And Love Goes On
         5 file(s)        526,230 bytes
         0 dir(s)         201,728 bytes free

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 1215-15EB
 Directory of A:\

KS06-060 MID        84,187  08-21-95   0:00 Let's Groove
KS06-070 MID        84,993  08-21-95   0:00 Wanna be with You
KS06-080 MID        84,382  08-21-95   0:00 Thinking of You
KS06-090 MID        79,281  08-21-95   0:00 Geta Way
KS06-100 MID       106,533  08-21-95   0:00 Serpentine Fire
         5 file(s)        439,376 bytes
         0 dir(s)         286,720 bytes free


發佈留言必須填寫的電子郵件地址不會公開。 必填欄位標示為 *

:D  :)  :(  :|  (H)  :P  :$    *-)  ;)  :-.-:  :!:  :S  :!!:  [B01]  [B02]  [B03]  [B04]  [B05]  [B06]  [B07]  [B08]  [B09]  [B10]  [B11]  [B12]  [B13]  [B14]  [XP]  :XD  (Y)  (N)  :-O  :@  8o|  :-#  (L)  (U)  ^o)  |-)